Most people consider the kitchen or dining room the center of their home. For us, the family room is our favorite. It's a pretty small space, but we've packed a lot into it. What I love most is how it came together over time. It's filled with vintage heirlooms, thrift store scores, Craigslist finds, Ikea hacks, and a few higher-end pieces. There's a little something for everyone, its comfortable, and it's functional. Natalie has her own little corner where she can craft and color while mom and dad work on the other side of the room. The hubs has his own little office - an armoire with a pull out desk I scored on Craigslist, which I refinished myself into a semi-gloss white. My favorite furniture item has to be the vintage mid century modern marble coffee table, which was another Craigslist score. The items we splurged on were the sofas, which we had custom made. They are over-sized, extra deep, and down-filled - perfect for lounging, reading a book, and watching movies. We all fit comfortably in them, with room to spare. I have to admit - if it was only up to me, the style wouldn't have been my first choice. The hubs had a long list of wants so the quest for the perfect sofa took over 2 years. They've held up so well since we got them - we picked a fabric that repels stains and is a breeze to keep clean. I designed the cushion covers with hidden zippers so they can easily be washed.
Decorative objects that my husband isn't necessarily fond of, I reserve for my own personal space (i.e. my office, closet, or side of the bed), and vice versa. I like creative storage solutions to keep clutter at bay. The vintage coffee table has a clever shelf on the bottom, where we hide remote controls. Natalie's books and toys are stowed away under the TV console, and the hubby's desk can be tucked away and closed off when not in use. The only item I am hoping to change soon is our rug! We've had it since Natalie was born, and I refuse to get anything new because it just hides stains so well. The hunt for the perfect stain-proof, kid-proof rug is still under way..
Decorative objects that my husband isn't necessarily fond of, I reserve for my own personal space (i.e. my office, closet, or side of the bed), and vice versa. I like creative storage solutions to keep clutter at bay. The vintage coffee table has a clever shelf on the bottom, where we hide remote controls. Natalie's books and toys are stowed away under the TV console, and the hubby's desk can be tucked away and closed off when not in use. The only item I am hoping to change soon is our rug! We've had it since Natalie was born, and I refuse to get anything new because it just hides stains so well. The hunt for the perfect stain-proof, kid-proof rug is still under way..
Designing personal spaces is always a challenge. When you need to combine different personalities and wants, it can get downright messy. What I like to do first is define the purpose of the area. Then, I like creating a diagram of what everyone has in common in terms of style, color, and needs then start from there.
I'm hoping I'll have time over the next few weeks to take more photos around our home. It's constantly evolving as we all grow together and our needs change. I think it will be fun to look back and see it all!
Thanks so much for dropping by!
I'm hoping I'll have time over the next few weeks to take more photos around our home. It's constantly evolving as we all grow together and our needs change. I think it will be fun to look back and see it all!
Thanks so much for dropping by!